


Osteopathic Medicine


The osteopathic treatment is based on core philosophical tenets. Patient treatment varies depending on individual requirements as determined by evaluation. Dr. Erskine utilizes osteopathic techniques of various modalities: example Cranial Osteopathy (Cranial-Sacral Work), myofascial release, etc., that share a common intention to clear restrictions and restore fluid continuity, balance, and freedom.

  • Osteopathic Philosophy: The Tenets
  • Osteopathic Manipulation Techniques frequently utilized by Dr. Erskine
  • Click here to download Concierge Medical Plan for scheduling new appointment.

Homeopathic Medical Care


Homeopathy, a highly systematic, scientific method of therapy, stimulates the organism’s own healing process. It is useful in both chronic and acute diseases. Dr. Erskine treats the total person, not just for one part or organ.

  • Homeopathy
  • Understanding Symptoms
  • Homeopathic Medicines
  • The Homeopathic Process
  • Selecting and Adjusting Remedies

Ready to explore how homeopathy can support your health journey? Book an appointment with Dr. Yusuf Erskine today.


O.N.E (Osteopathic Neuromusculoskeletal Exercise) via Yoga​

Healthy aging with yogic therapeutic exercise.
Despite the common experience of perceiving our human bodies as consisting of dense particulate matter: bones, muscles, connective tissue and organs, our bodies are actually predominantly a fluidic reality. It’s all a question of atunement to the multiple levels of this embodied human being-ness!

Inspiring Osteopathy Seminars and Quintessential Osteopathy Seminars

Dr. Yusuf Erskine offers transformative osteopathy seminars designed to deepen practitioners’ understanding and skills in holistic healthcare. Combining his expertise in osteopathic manipulation, therapeutic exercise, and a lifelong practice in hatha yoga, Dr. Erskine provides a comprehensive learning experience that integrates traditional osteopathic principles with modern therapeutic approaches.

  • Advanced Osteopathic Techniques
  • Therapeutic Exercise Integration
  • Holistic Approach
  • Case Studies and Practical Applications

Mentorship and Workshop Program for Osteopath

Periodically, mentorship programs and workshops in health and self-healing practices are scheduled. If you are interested in more information, please contact us.


Osteopathic Medicine

I endeavor, in the osteopathic medical care that I provide patients, to engage with, support, and enhance the body’s natural and inherent tendency to strive toward a state of health and homeostasis.

With a solid, valued background as a residency-trained MD family practice osteopathic Physician, I feel fortunate to be able to orient my medical practice beyond a disease model approach. Utilizing the vital resources found in osteopathic manipulative medicine and classical homeopathy, my practice focuses on stimulating the patient’s intrinsic impetus towards health and healing.

For example, with Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine, I am trained to palpate (feel) the body’s “living anatomy,” i.e. the flow of fluids, motion and texture of tissues, and the status of the structural makeup. With this non-invasive system of osteopathic medicine, “Osteopathic Manual Treatment” is performed to restore normal function in areas impaired by trauma, acute health problems, and/or chronic illness.

Osteopathic medicine can address successfully a myriad of health problems through the osteopathic Physician’s thoughtful evaluation, diagnostic assessment, and application of individualized osteopathic manipulative treatments.

Osteopathic Philosophy: The Tenets

  • The body is a functional unit, consisting of body, mind, and spirit. 
  • The body is capable of self-regulation, self-healing, and health maintenance.
  • Structure and function are dynamically interrelated.
  • The Physician is a facilitator whose rational treatment is based on an understanding of the basic principles of body unity, self-regulation, and the interrelationship of structure and function.

Osteopathic Manipulation Techniques frequently utilized by Dr. Erskine

The osteopathic medical treatment for each patient will vary depending on what the individual patient requires. The techniques that I utilize share a common intention to clear restrictions and restore fluid continuity, balance, and freedom. Furthermore, as William G. Sutherland DO states beautifully, the treatments “allow physiologic function within to manifest its own unerring potency, rather than applying a blind force from without.” The palate of specific osteopathic treatment modalities is broad.

The treatment modalities I frequently apply are listed below.

Cranial Osteopathy

Cranial osteopathy is a specific approach within the osteopathic concept. It influences the structure and fluid surrounding the central nervous system, creating an impact on the total body and initiating the body’s inherent capacity to heal itself. Fascial connections throughout the body are contiguous with the linings around the central nervous system, including the dura and other structures. Practitioners of cranial osteopathy utilize a manual approach to accomplish these goals within the practice of Osteopathic Medicine.

Visceral Osteopathy

Visceral manipulation relates to the interrelationship of the structure and function of the internal organs being just as important as among the constituents of the musculoskeletal system. Manipulation of the viscera can be beneficially used in the treatment of internal organ dysfunction and other disease states.

Myofascial Release

This procedure is designed to treat primarily the myofascial structures. In the use of direct myofascial release treatment (MRT) a restrictive barrier is engaged in the myofascial tissues. The tissue is loaded with a constant force until release occurs. In treating with indirect MRT the dysfunctional tissues are guided along the path of least resistance until free movement is achieved.

Lymphatic Technique

This manual procedure is designed to promote circulation of lymphatic fluids and can be used to treat various difficulties. One technique is pressure applied with the physician’s hands to the supine patient’s upper anterior chest wall. When the force is applied to the chest during its maximum expiration, the physician’s hands are removed suddenly. This increases negative pressure within the chest to assist the body’s respiratory system in moving lymphatic fluids.

Muscle Energy Technique

In this manual technique, the patient is directed to use his or her muscles from a precise position and in a specific direction against counterforce applied by the physician. The purpose is to restore motion, decrease muscle tissue changes, and modify asymmetry of somatic dysfunction.


The counterstrain technique is a manual procedure in which the patient is moved passively away from the restricted motion barrier, towards the position of greatest comfort. At this point appropriate gamma gain distortion within the affected muscle fibers is restored.

Somatoemotional Release

Somatoemotional Release is based on the fact that the tissues of the body are extremely sophisticated. So sophisticated that they are capable of recording significant traumatic events of one’s life, burning these patterns into your muscle memory. Trauma includes emotional as well as physical.


What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a highly systematic, scientific method of therapy which stimulates the organism’s own healing process. Useful in both chronic and acute diseases, homeopathy is a rejuvenation of an ancient concept of health and disease, based on deep understanding of the person as a unique whole. Treatment is for the total person, not just for one part or organ.

It is important to understand the symptoms are a sign of the organism trying to heal. The task of the homeopath is to gather as much information as possible in order to understand all the ways in which the person’s healing forces are already acting. A homeopathic medicine is sought which is similar to the patient’s symptomatology and will stimulate those healing forces.

Homeopathic medicines are prepared from over 2000 mineral, plant, and animal sources. Each medicine has been experimentally tested on human beings in order to determine which type of individual responds most strongly to which substance. A complete picture of symptoms is compiled based on the precise physical, emotional, and mental responses of each subject. This picture represents the resonance between a person and the medicine. The task of the homeopath during the interview is to match the total symptom picture of the patient with the experimentally determined symptom picture of one of the medicines.

Homeopathic medicine promotes health in its unique way. Through an interview process, which is called ‘case-taking’ (and can be extensive if the patient’s health issues are complex), the homeopathic physician ‘takes the case,’ bringing into view the full picture of the patient, especially the symptoms and sensations and their congruence with the patient’s state of being.

The breakthrough in the promotion of health that came with Samuel Hahnemann MD’s discovery of the science of homeopathy is that this ‘symptom-sensations-state’ has been found to possess a resonance with a specific homeopathic remedy. For over two hundred years, homeopaths have researched, studied, and compiled this homeopathic materia medica. This compilation of homeopathic remedies and their applications towards treating disease continues to evolve as homeopathy matures as a healing discipline and as illnesses transmute their expressions.

The homeopath selects the appropriate homeopathic remedy, determines the potency, and optimal dosing schedule. The homeopathic remedy stimulates the vitality of the patient to shed symptom patterns and move into health.

In follow up consultations, the homeopath and the patient discuss the changes since last seen, review current and prior symptoms, look at family susceptibilities toward disease expressions and work together in the pursuit of health. Homeopathic medicines are reviewed and doses are adjusted or remedies are changed as indicated through the case taking, patient feedback, and homeopathic analysis.

Family Constellation Workshops

Systemic Family Constellation Work is a therapeutic process that is based on the understanding that traumatic events from one’s family lineage can be transferred into next generations. Ancestral suffering can emerge in your life and may manifest through illness, addictions, eating disorders, and/or destructive relationship patterns.

All members of a family system are deeply connected over many generations. This bond springs from a love that provides strength and a sense of belonging. The bond connects us to a family conscience that wants us to recognize all members of our family, including those who have been outcast, dishonored, or forgotten.

In the constellation process, the unconscious bonding of a person to lineage-related traumatic events is re-enacted and intentionally redirected.

This workshop explores the theoretical underpinnings of this work which is used extensively throughout Europe in psychotherapeutic and medical settings. The work was in Germany by Bert Hellinger PhD, a psychoanalyst and family therapist.

Family Constellation Work helps you to:

  • Make systemic entanglements conscious.
  • Honor your ancestors and give them their rightful place.
  • Unburden your current family system and yourself.
  • Access the remembered love for healing and integration.

“Systemic Constellations are a method for revealing and re-aligning hidden loyalties in family, business, or other kinds of tightly bonded groups. Essentially, you have taken on, often without being aware of it, “assignments” to function in a certain way in the groups you belong to – especially in your family.

Yet often these assignments are in conflict with your personal health or fulfillment. They server as anchors – unseen sticking points – that prevent positive change. Constellations make these anchors visible. They provide the means to increase not only your personal well-being, but also that of our family or business as a whole.” — Anneke Hogeland

Facilitator: Anneke Hogeland has been a psychotherapist since 1990 and a homeopath since 1996. In her practice she combines her knowledge of psychology, hypnosis, homeopathy, family constellation work, and various forms of energy psychology techniques.

“Systemic Constellations are a method for revealing and re-aligning hidden loyalties in family, business, or other kinds of tightly bonded groups. Essentially, you have taken on, often without being aware of it, “assignments” to function in a certain way in the groups you belong to—especially in your family.

The Family Constellation Workshops are currently scheduled approximately every two to three months.

The next workshop Scheduled for: On Hold Because of COVID

Fees: $45 to represent or $165 for your family constellation.

Suggested preparation: For additional information go to:; go to “English pages”, then to “Seminars.”

An excellent article on how The Family Constellations Workshop functions can be found here on the Mayesh Counceling Services website.

Physician Referrals

Thank you for coming to our website; we appreciate your referrals.

Referrals are accepted by email or phone 707.829.5455.

Please include patient name and phone number, referring doctor’s name and phone number, the patient’s working diagnosis, reason for referral, and patient’s insurance information.


  • I am a fully licensed osteopathic physician providing comprehensive osteopathic medical care.
  • The initials “DO” stands for Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine. As an osteopathic physician, my medical education and training are all that an MD is required to obtain, plus an additional thousand hours of training in the treatment of the musculoskeletal system. The DO behind my name (rather than MD) allows a patient to know that I have completed this additional training.
  • The philosophical basis from which I practice is broader. I approach you from the core perspective that your body possesses an innate ability to heal itself.
  • When illness occurs, this self-righting mechanism becomes impaired.
  • The goal is to treat in the total context of your life and health status and restore your structural and functional relationships to health.
  • My treatment recommendations may include exercise, dietary counseling, stress management, prescription medications, and supplements. In addition, it may be appropriate to encourage the self-righting mechanisms of the body with osteopathic manipulation.
  • Chronic pain, work, sports injuries, motor vehicle accidents, stress or trauma, pregnancy discomfort, and certain chronic disease situations are common problems where osteopathic manipulative treatment can help.

Please make sure to bring the following:

  • Insurance card or billing information.
  • If you have a work injury – please bring required forms and prior x-rays if available.
  • Completed patient intake forms and registration paperwork.
  • Be prepared to make a co-payment or payment in full at time of visit, depending on your insurance status.
  • If you are coming in for an Osteopathic medicine appointment, please bring or wear comfortable appropriate clothing such as sweat pants. Denim jeans may interfere with accurate range of motion testing and osteopathic manipulative treatment.
  • WALK – After each treatment it is a good idea to walk for 5-10 minutes before getting in your car. Walking will help your body settle into its new balance. Traffic can be stressful, and depending upon your particular situation, may cause your tissues to tighten up again….so take the time to walk first.
  • REST – Although you may feel great (perhaps better than you have felt for years), your body remains in a vulnerable state for several hours. You may feel you can do anything. DO NOT! Let your body rest and heal. Though your body has been restored to a more normal state of functioning, it has not yet healed. Healing takes time. Treat your body with respect. Avoid any strenuous activity, especially sudden jolting movements, for one or two days after each treatment.
  • DRINK WATER – Drink plenty of water for one to two days following your treatment. Some patients have reported feeling severely fatigued. As your tissues free up, previously trapped metabolites may be released into your bloodstream. It is a good idea to flush them out.
  • YOU MAY FEEL SORE – Depending upon your particular problems, you may feel some soreness initially. This is a common, though not an essential, response and means your body is adjusting. If, however, it lasts for more than a few days, please call our office.
  • AVOID OVER-TREATMENT – Too much treatment in too short an interval can be over-stimulating. As a general rule of thumb, I recommend not scheduling acupuncture, physical therapy, massage, or other types of physical treatment for four days or so after each treatment.
  • Please call your pharmacy to obtain refills
      . They will fax us for confirmation.
    • Prescriptions are confirmed by our office from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, except Wednesday.
    • No prescriptions will be refilled on weekends, so please plan ahead.

Concierge Medical Practice Plan

Patient Forms are provided for your convenience, but are password protected. Please contact us to obtain the password.


      1. Primarily for those patients with Medicare insurance, we will bill Medicare, you are responsible for your copays, deductibles, and any other charges that Medicare deems that you are responsible for.
      2. Certain limited other insurance carriers may be billed, list pending.
      1. For those patients who do not have Medicare, we will provide you with a superbill and supporting documentation for you to submit for reimbursement from your insurance company and to consider for federal tax filing individual health costs deductions if you itemize.
      2. Semi-Annual Retainer Fee due by 07-05-2024 $189.00
      3. Payment is expected at the time of visit; Please note, if a service charge is applied to your payment method, such as Square, for credit or debit card, that will be your responsibility.
      4. Fee schedules are based on length and complexity of visit and # of body regions treated.
        1. Established follow up visit: $299 – $349.
        2. New patient first visit: $459 – $499.


  1. The Fee schedule is based on whether ACUTE, RETURNING, CONSTITIUTIONAL appointment type and length of visit.
  2. Payment is expected at the time of visit.

Download here for a pdf version of this Concierge Medical Practice Plan.

Patient Forms