Inspiring and Quintessential Osteopathy Seminars

Inspiring Osteopathy Seminars

Unlock the Power of the Central Chain: Elevate Your Osteopathic Practice and Transform Your Patients’ Lives!

No more guesswork. No more surface-level treatments. Learn a revolutionary clinical approach that taps into the body’s self-regulating mechanisms to address deep-rooted dysfunctions.

✨ Inspiring Osteopathy Seminars:  Exploring the Osteopathic Link: The Central Chain & Somatic-Emotional Health

🗓️ December 5 – 8, 2024 at Four Points Sheraton, San Rafael, California.

🧘 Course Director: J.Yusuf Q. Erskine, D.O.

🧘 Special Guest: Philippe Druelle, D.O.

What if you could offer your patients more than relief—true, lasting transformation?

As a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine, you’ve mastered the body’s intricate systems. But complex cases with chronic pain, emotional stress, and visceral dysfunction demand more. You need a solution that integrates body, mind, and self-regulation to address root causes, not just symptoms.

Philippe Druelle DO will teach in this four-day course clinical methodology for relieving the suffering and dysfunctions of our complex patients.  This course is fascinating, expanding our capacities as osteopaths and enables us to relieve our patients by involving the mechanisms necessary for balance and health, in accordance with the core concepts and principles of osteopathy. 

The central chain is a functional unit which is the key to our body’s self-regulation.  It includes and brings together all the organs and the brain, the heart and the main arteries, the plexuses and especially the Vagus nerve, which run the factories of our body. That’s why we also call it the tree of life.

The Druelle Central Chain Course is unlike any osteopathic training you’ve experienced. Philippe Druelle, DO, brings decades of groundbreaking insight, sharing clinical methodologies that target the central chain—the core system connecting the brain, heart, and vital organs. This course empowers you to:

Your patients count on you for relief. With the Central Chain methodology, you can provide much more: true, lasting health.

Philippe Druelle DO, internationally recognized as an expert in this field, will present the results of his 40 years of clinical and experimental research on this subject, as well as a model explaining the interrelationships between the brain, membranes, fluid and liquid dynamics, vascularization and bioenergetics.

  • It has been more than twenty years since the Central Chain Course was first presented in the USA by Philippe Druelle at Dr. Frymann’s Osteopathic Center for Children. I am thrilled to bring Druelle to explore with us his further developments in the correlation of the Central Chain, the Chakras, and Somatic- Emotional health.
  •  For those who wish to further their professional education and clinical skills with the Druelle Endocranial Spasm courses,  this is a timely offering from internationally recognized osteopath Philippe Druelle, providing essential osteopathic teaching and practical clinical applications. 

For more inquiries send an email to 

Please send the registration form to 


🌿 Register today to reserve your spot and take your osteopathic practice to new heights.
Limited spaces available—don’t miss out on this opportunity!

Past Events

🧘 Course Instructor: GENEVIÈVE FORGET PHT, D.O.M.P (Can), MSc Edu Andragogy

🌟 Geneviève Forget has been working in the health sciences since 1992 and started teaching osteopathic manual practice approaches in continuing education curriculums since 2003. 

Known as an international guest speaker in France, Switzerland, Germany, Poland, Italy and Japan, her research endeavors and clinical practice brought her to work in collaboration with Philippe Druelle within the Endocranial Dysfunction series, as well as develop other continuing education seminars over the last 20 years covering diverse topics:

  • Work of the main health mechanisms to promote autoregulation.
  • Palpation from the distinct aspects of matter to a unified bioplasm response
  • Work of the Vascular tree and micro-circulation
  • Systemic and Metabolic work in relation to chronic pain, chronic fatigue, and other disorders
  • Molding work of the form in relation to lines of development and function
  • Unification work of the different constructs (physical, mental, emotional, social, spiritual) to an integrated body, mind, and heart expression

Her focus is always to respond to the different participants needs in terms of explanations, assistance, and validation through out the learning process, adapting the course content, if need be, to further the therapist’s knowledge, skills and ability to be present in turn for their patients.

LIVING BIOPLASM PALPATION AND DIALOGUE: Tissues, Fluids and Fields Interactions to Determine and Respond to the Person’s Deepest Needs with GENEVIÈVE FORGET PHT, D.O.M.P (Can), MSc Edu Andragogy

🗓️ November 2-5, 2023 at Four Points Sheraton, San Rafael, CA., Marin County, CA.

🧘 Course Instructor: GENEVIÈVE FORGET PHT, D.O.M.P (Can), MSc Edu Andragogy

🌱 The art of palpation of living matter involves the ability to listen, discern and collect various information from the dynamic nature of the dialogue with the person and physiology.

This workshop offers an exploration with validation of the various aspects of matter, to better identify
their characteristics, standardize their palpation, define specific treatment objectives for each of these
levels, and initiate the work of the living bioplasm and its prioritization according to the patient’s requests and physiological response.

Course Synopsis

IMPORTANCE OF THE THERAPEUTIC SPACE AND QUALITY OF PRESENCE TO MAXIMIZE DIALOGUE, RECIPROCAL EXCHANGES, AND BALANCE:  grounding, centering, and availability to the person through the matter, motion, and context.

  • Tissular aspect:
    1. Overall fascial network tensegrity vs trauma imprints, cellular memory, and physiological systems, reciprocity between the posterior (MSK, neuro-meningeal) and anterior (visceral, vascular, glandular) units in relation to the central coherence, fascial body in relation to the fluid body, cranio-sacral dynamics, pressure distribution and vibrational realm.
  • Fluidic aspect: 
    1. Overall fluid body dynamics with neuro-endocrine-vascular-immune interactions, interaction of the macro-circulation (arterial-venous-CSF-lymphatics continuity) and micro-circulation (primo-vascular, interstitial-glymphatic, extracellular-intracellular flows) within its context.
  • Vibrational aspect: 
    1. Overall fields network and the oscillatory realm; lines of force and quality of radiance of the matrix
    2. Interactions of the EMFs, morphic fields and life field distribution within the universal energy context.

***Time allotted to the different possible items will depend on participants previously acquired skill set and experience.

  • The simultaneous palpation of the various aspects of matter into a unified reality, at the service of the person’s expression and wellbeing.
  • Dialogue with the person’s physiology to determine the priority of the moment, the appropriate treatment path, sequence, and methods.
  • From convergence of information and clinical reasoning, from the questioning method, from intuitive perceptive palpation, using guidance from the life field, determining the priority during the consultation.
  • Discernment of the physiological state to determine the choice of method, sequence, and path (acute-chronic, autonomic state, centeredness-openness, state, vitality availability, direct-indirect approaches, volumetric balancing vs suspension or molding work, etc.)
  • Restoring functional unit and working health mechanisms towards autoregulation, health, and wellness.

🧘 Following this seminar, participants will be able to dialogue with the person’s manifestation to appreciate the different expressions of matter, determine the presence of different dysfunctions or patterns and adapt the methods of treatment according to the presentation of the physiology.

This workshop’s objective is to answer certain professional questions and to extend the range and diversity of therapeutic intervention, within an approach aimed at acquiring the versatility necessary to meet the deepest needs of each patient.

For more information visit:


Regular Tuition $1475.00 now $1275.00!

🧘 Special Guest: Philippe Druelle, D.O. as the Lead Instructor

List of Philippe Druelle, D.O’s research and contributions to the field, providing valuable insights that will undoubtedly enrich our discussions during the seminar:

  • A Review of Glymphatics and the Impact of Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment in Alzheimer
  • Advocacy for OMT Veterans TBI Review
  • Brain Connectivity post OMT
  • Cerbral Perfusion OMT
  • Cerebral Microvessels Remodeling
  • Circadian Control Fluid Glymphatics
  • Craniosacral Chronic Pain Review
  • Epigenetic Maternal Inflammation vs Later Diseases
  • NeuroImmune Chronic Pain
  • Neuro-inflammaging Psychopatho
  • OMT Concussion Effects Reaction Visual
  • OMT Poly Trauma Post Concussion Symptoms Case Study
  • Osteo Brain Heart Interaction Chronic Pain
  • Osteo Neo Nat Intensive
  • Repeated TBI Glymphatics Clearance
  • SLYM 4 Layer Meninge
  • Takotsubo and Stroke
  • Toxicity Microbiome Gut Brain Axis Psychosom
  • Trans Cranail EMF Post Concussion Syndrome

✨Inspiring Osteopathy Seminars Presents – Physician Burnout: From Burning Out, to Burning Bright An Osteopathic Perspective with J. Yusuf Q. Erskine DO


🧘 Course Instructor: J.Yusuf Q. Erskine, D.O.

🌱 Are you feeling overwhelmed with the demands of being a physician? Are you feeling burned out and unable to keep up with the pace of your work? If so, you are not alone. Physician burnout is a growing problem in the medical field.

Take the first step towards regaining your energy and enthusiasm for your work with my course “From Burning Out, to Burning Bright” An Osteopathic Perspective with J. Yusuf Q. Erskine DO.

I am drawn to support doctors in the re-establishment of intrinsic physician health and well being.  We will explore burnout to see where we are on the spectrum,and more importantly recommit to personal health expression and healthy relationships with self and others. Pulling out of the nosedive we can soar and burn bright!

This course is designed to help you understand the causes of burnout and provide you with the tools to overcome it.

🌟 Personal Exploration of Physician Burnout Explores the Distinguishing Characteristics and Contributing Factors:

  • Our predisposing physician values.
  • The institutional and societal pressures.
  • The exploration in the processes of re-calibration.
  • Realigning to the living osteopathic principles more fully.
  • Philosophical and practical approach with self-help, mindfulness, and osteopathic treatment protocols.

💪 What’s Inside the Course?

  • Module I: Assessment of Burnout – Osteopathic Approaches to Physician Burnout
  • Module II: Physician Burnout – A Deeper Dive
  • Module III: From Burning Out to Burning Bright!
  • Module IV: Emotional Intelligence
  • Module V: Self Pacing Physician Burnout Seminar
  • Module VI: Philosophy, Quantum Mechanics, and its implications in Osteopathic Care
  • Module VII: Further skill development for optimal balanced rhythmic interchange, dealing with TRAUMA, etc.

Quintessential Osteopathy Seminars

🧘 Special Guest: Philippe Druelle, D.O. as the Lead Instructor

List of Philippe Druelle, D.O’s research and contributions to the field, providing valuable insights that will undoubtedly enrich our discussions during the seminar:

  • A Review of Glymphatics and the Impact of Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment in Alzheimer
  • Advocacy for OMT Veterans TBI Review
  • Brain Connectivity post OMT
  • Cerbral Perfusion OMT
  • Cerebral Microvessels Remodeling
  • Circadian Control Fluid Glymphatics
  • Craniosacral Chronic Pain Review
  • Epigenetic Maternal Inflammation vs Later Diseases
  • NeuroImmune Chronic Pain
  • Neuro-inflammaging Psychopatho
  • OMT Concussion Effects Reaction Visual
  • OMT Poly Trauma Post Concussion Symptoms Case Study
  • Osteo Brain Heart Interaction Chronic Pain
  • Osteo Neo Nat Intensive
  • Repeated TBI Glymphatics Clearance
  • SLYM 4 Layer Meninge
  • Takotsubo and Stroke
  • Toxicity Microbiome Gut Brain Axis Psychosom
  • Trans Cranail EMF Post Concussion Syndrome

✨ Quintessential Osteopathy: THE INNER PHYSICIAN

🗓️ April 27 – 30, 2023 at Four Points Sheraton – San Rafael, California.

🧘 Course Director: J.Yusuf Q. Erskine, D.O.

🧘 Special Guest: Philippe Druelle, D.O.

🌱 Learn how to relieve many patients in pain and/or the difficult patients, mainly using the essential concepts of osteopathy.

🌟 Part of this seminar will allow you to:

  • To give the participants the best solutions to be truly effective with their patients.
  • To explore how best to work with people in the acute phase of pain and inflammation, and with people with chronic and evolving conditions.
  • Better dialogue with the forces in the physiology of our patients and those around us.
  • Brings together all aspects of good practice and allows for a good progression in our presence as therapists and in our work.

With a strong clinical methodology, we must be capable of working in all the fields: myofascial, osteoarticular, visceral, cranial, etc. And applying these procedures to each of our patients in line with their particular issues.

💪 These great concepts will be developed during the seminar:

  • Bring back the blood in this area and it will be easier to palpate, to test and to treat.» Deason D,O.
  • The dura guides, limits and preserves the vertebral column» William Garner Sutherland D,O.
  • Find it, fix it, leave it alone and let the Nature do the rest ». Andrew T. Still
  • The goal of our practice is to allow the Breath of Life to come back in this area.» Rollin Becker D,O.

🧘 Special Guest: Philippe Druelle, D.O. as the Lead Instructor

🌟 List of Philippe Druelle, D.O’s research and contributions to the field, providing valuable insights that will undoubtedly enrich our discussions during the seminar:

  • A Review of Glymphatics and the Impact of Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment in Alzheimer
  • Advocacy for OMT Veterans TBI Review
  • Brain Connectivity post OMT
  • Cerbral Perfusion OMT
  • Cerebral Microvessels Remodeling
  • Circadian Control Fluid Glymphatics
  • Craniosacral Chronic Pain Review
  • Epigenetic Maternal Inflammation vs Later Diseases
  • NeuroImmune Chronic Pain
  • Neuro-inflammaging Psychopatho
  • OMT Concussion Effects Reaction Visual
  • OMT Poly Trauma Post Concussion Symptoms Case Study
  • Osteo Brain Heart Interaction Chronic Pain
  • Osteo Neo Nat Intensive
  • Repeated TBI Glymphatics Clearance
  • SLYM 4 Layer Meninge
  • Takotsubo and Stroke
  • Toxicity Microbiome Gut Brain Axis Psychosom
  • Trans Cranail EMF Post Concussion Syndrome

✨ Quintessential Osteopathy: The Druelle Endocranial Spasm Course – Phase 1: Addressing Trauma, Concussions, TBI.

🗓️ April 11 – 14, 2024 at Four Points Sheraton – San Rafael, California.

🧘 Course Director: J.Yusuf Q. Erskine, D.O.

🧘 Special Guest: Philippe Druelle, D.O.

🌱 The importance and effectiveness of osteopathic cerebral treatment following concussion and head trauma affecting the health and dynamics of nervous tissue.

This exciting 4-day seminar will focus on practice. Its aim is to teach you effective solutions for treating these patients who have suffered direct and indirect shocks to the brain, and who are greatly affected at functional, psychological, cognitive and emotional levels, affecting the neuro-endocrino-immunological aspect of physiology directly.

Philippe Druelle DO will introduce you to the dynamics of each part of the brain and their
functions, and teach you how to restore brain tissue to its full functional capacity, as well as the target organs with their psychologic influences and the importance of the vagus nerve in the healing process with a efficient clinical methodology.

Philippe Druelle DO, internationally recognized as an expert in this field, will present the results of his 40 years of clinical and experimental research on this subject, as well as a model explaining the interrelationships between the brain, membranes, fluid and liquid dynamics, vascularization and bioenergetics.

🌟 The Endocranial Paradigm developed by Philippe Druelle, D.O:

  • Professor and founder of several osteopathic campuses in Canada and Europe, he is a pioneer in the application of the Osteopathic concepts to the endocranium and the dynamics of the ventricular network and brain, particularly in relations to traumatic brain injuries and other neurological disorders. He has developed numerous techniques to restore the functions of the brain, the heart and the viscera.
  • Working with the CNS and the ANS to affect the neuro-endocrine-limmunological aspects of the physiology directly will greatly enhance the practice skills and results with your patients, especially those presenting with complex multifactorial or long standing conditions.
  • Brings together all aspects of good practice and allows for a good progression in our presence as therapists and in our work.